
Program Chair and Director: Dr. Maggie Knight
Program Office: Harper Center

The Master of Accounting (MAC) program is a non-thesis graduate accounting program designed for students seeking a more integrative intensive accounting education than is found in an MBA program with a concentration in accounting.  The Creighton MAC designs an individualized program of study to assist students in enhancing their undergraduate education.  The program will be designed in a manner that fulfills the education goals of the student, as well as meeting the requirements to sit for the CPA exam in any U.S. state or jurisdiction in which the student seeks CPA certification.  In addition to completing the required course work, students will also engage in two required co-curricular activities.  All MAC, 500-level Accounting and MBA Accounting courses are only offered on campus.

The MAC program is administered by the Department of Accounting in the Heider College of Business.  The College has been accredited by the AACSB International since 1956.  The Accounting program has been accredited by the Accounting Accreditation Committee of the AACSB since it began accrediting accounting programs in 1982.  The MAC program will be delivered with the same academic quality as the other graduate programs offered by the Heider College of Business.

The Creighton MAC has two tracks – the traditional graduate track for students entering the program after completion of a baccalaureate degree, and the accelerated track for Heider College of Business students who complete all requirements for both the BSBA in accounting and the MAC in a continuous 4-year period.  All MAC students have the additional opportunity to pursue a Graduate Business Analytics Certificate in conjunction with their MAC coursework.

Program learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

As guided by our mission and identity statements, the program learning goals (PLGs) and student learning outcomes (SLOs) below are written to reflect our beliefs about the attributes of business leaders who exemplify the Jesuit ideals.

Creighton-formed business leaders will:

PLG 1: Professional Values and Attitudes: Graduates of the MAC Program should possess an understanding of the accounting profession, what it stands for, what it means to become an accounting professional and participate in and contribute toward the advancement of the ideals of the accounting profession.

SLO 1A: Demonstrate understanding of a) the societal role the accounting profession fulfills in assuring the integrity of financial and other information and b) the regulatory environment in which the accounting profession operates.

SLO 1B: Demonstrate ability to apply data analytics tools in the contexts of accounting information systems, auditing and assurance services, and business processes and decision making.

SLO 1C: Demonstrate the ability to resolve ethical conflicts by applying relevant professional codes of conduct governing accounting practice.

PLG 2: Professional Accounting Examination Curriculum Preparation: Students of the MAC Program who are interested in earning the CPA or some other professional accounting designation (such as CIA, CMA, or CISA) designation will have designed a MAC Program which, upon completion, will satisfy the academic content areas and other requirements, as stipulated by the student's desired jurisdiction or other governing body, to sit for the CPA or other professional examination and be successful in passing that examination.

SLO 2A: Demonstrate that his or her academic program qualifies the student to sit for the CPA or other stipulated professional examination.

PLG 3: Personal Growth and Jesuit Values: Graduates of the MAC Program will possess an understanding of how their personal and professional activities can enrich and renew the accounting profession and society.

SLO 3A: Apply their technical and professional skills by actively participating with a local, regional, or national professional organization.

SLO 3B: Articulate (describe) the importance of lifelong personal growth and development.

PLG 4: Professional Business Knowledge: Graduates of the MAC Program will possess the ability to apply their professional accounting knowledge in combination with leadership skills, effective communication skills, ethical awareness, and strategic thinking so they can become leaders in the organizations in which they work and in the communities in which they live.

SLO 4A: Have disciplinary knowledge essential for leadership in the accounting profession.

SLO 4B: Employ critical thinking and analysis skills in making decisions.

SLO 4C: Communicate professionally in a variety of media.


  1. Eligibility for Admission: Applicants for admission to the traditional MAC program must have a baccalaureate degree in accounting from an accredited institution or an undergraduate degree in business from an accredited institution and the equivalent of Intermediate Accounting 1 ACC 313 Intermediate Accounting I, ACC 315 Managerial Accounting for Decision Making, Principles of Taxation ACC 343 Federal Tax Accounting I, ACC 323 Auditing and  ACC 377 Accounting Information Systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For Creighton Students in the Accelerated MAC program, the requirement to have a completed bachelor's degree will be waived in lieu of exhibited success in the undergraduate program.  This success will be evidenced by the fact the student has maintained an overall GPA of at least 3.25 and a GPA in upper level accounting courses of at least 3.0.  The program director may allow for conditional admission if these grade levels are not met.
  2. Application: A completed application form, personal essay discussing how a master's degree fits with an applicant's career objectives upon completion of the program, current resume, and a non-refundable application fee are required.
  3. Recommendations: Two recommendations are required. The recommendations should be completed by persons other than family members who are capable of assessing an applicant's performance in an academic or work setting.
  4. Transcripts: One official transcript must be sent from each institution of collegiate rank attended by the applicant. Transcripts should be sent directly from the collegiate institution to the Enrollment Services, Harper Center, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178. All such transcripts become the property of Creighton University.
  5. Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT): The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is not required for applicants who have work experience and a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA across all institutions attended.  If the applicant’s cumulative GPA is less than 3.00, the GMAT is required. For applicants without work experience, and for all applicants to the MIMFA and MFIN programs, a minimum 3.50 cumulative GPA is required for the GMAT waiver.  All international students whose undergraduate degree was not granted by a US institution will be required to submit a GMAT score.  Regardless of the applicant’s cumulative GPA, the admissions committee reserves the right to require an applicant to submit a GMAT score if there are concerns regarding the applicant’s work experience and/or the student’s achievement across all math, statistics, economics and finance courses previously completed.
  6. Additional Documents for International Students:
    1. Test of English as a Foreign Language: The Graduate School requires all students who are native speakers of languages other than English to demonstrate competence in English.  International applicants who received their baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution from the following countries are not required to show proficiency in English; Australia, Canada, Barbados, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guam, Ireland, Jamaica, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Scotland, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, and Virgin Islands.  There are 3 test scores that can be used to demonstrate competence in English.  Only one of the three must be provided.  1) TOEFL: score of 90 or above on the Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) with no section below 20.  2) IELTS: overall band score of at least 6.5 with no section below 6.  3) Duolingo: score of 110 or above. 
    2. International Credential Evaluation for CPA Examination and/or Licensure: International students must request an "International Credential Evaluation for CPA Examination and/or Licensure" from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. Students may apply for the evaluation by visiting:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  7. Financial Ability: All international applicants must provide a "Certification of Available Finances" form in order for the I-20 form to be issued by the Office of International Programs if an applicant is admitted to the program.

Acceptance to the MAC program is granted to applicants who clearly demonstrate that they have high promise of succeeding in graduate business study. Interviews are not required as part of the admission process.

Degree in Master of Accounting

Accelerated Master's Program

ACC 516 Advanced Cost Accounting: The course covers advanced managerial accounting topics, such as process costing, management control systems, activity-based costing and activity-based management, joint cost allocation, balanced scorecard performance measures.  The course deals with the need to adapt traditional management accounting methods as changes take place in the new business environment. The sources of change include the continued movement away from manufacturing and into the service industry, the globalization of business, information technology, and the need for more nonfinancial measures of evaluation. P: ACC 315 and senior standing. May be taken for graduate credit upon completion of department approved graduate level work products.

ACC 521 Advanced Accounting This course involves the study and application of financial reporting concepts to specialized accounting problems and cases. Coverage includes accounting for nonprofit entities, accounting for income taxes, reporting of business combinations, preparation of consolidated financial statements, and accounting changes. P: ACC 319 and senior standing, or approval of department chair. May be taken for graduate credit upon completion of department approved graduate level work product.

ACC 523 Advanced Auditing: This course integrates prior accounting and other educational experiences with advanced application of auditing concepts and standards. P: ACC 323 and senior standing. May be taken for graduate credit upon completion of department approved graduate level work product.

ACC 544 Advanced Taxation: An advanced consideration of federal taxation concepts relating to corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts, as well as consideration of wealth transfer taxes. Emphasis is on recognition of fact patterns producing taxable events and on planning to minimize taxes. May be taken for graduate credit upon completion of department approved graduate level work product. P: ACC 343.

ACC 577 Advanced Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Analytics  This course covers how to use data to formulate and solve business problems from an accounting paradigm. Students will extract value from big data through the application of current analytics tools. This course develops objective accounting decision-making skills to help the accounting professional become a forward-thinking strategic partner in the organization. This course develops the skill set needed to think critically using available data. The course will also expose students to common currently used business intelligence software packages. P: ACC 377, junior standing or approval of department chair. May be taken for graduate credit upon completion of department approved graduate level work product.

ACC 579 Seminar in Accounting: Exploration and analysis of selected problems and issues in the accounting area of today's environment. Course content changes from semester to semester. This course is repeatable as long as topic differs (12 credits). P: ACC 201, 202; Sr. stdg.

MAC 756 Research and Analysis of Ethical Issues in the Accounting Profession: Study of the ethical and societal foundations of the accounting profession, with special emphasis on examples of recent professional and corporate wrongdoing. Study of common ethical issues that arise in various sectors of the accounting profession. Research and application of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and other relevant ethical codes to specific ethical dilemmas. Prerequisite: Admission to the MAC Program or permission of the MAC director.

MAC 761 Current Issues in Accounting: A capstone course that explores the current issues facing the accounting profession in its various sectors - public, private, governmental and nonprofit. Combines student study of issues with case analyses. Presentations by senior representatives of the accounting profession might be an integral part of the course. P: MAC 756.

MAC 766 Graduate Internship: This course is intended to provide graduate-level credit for significant program-related practical experience. The student's internship employment must be arranged must be arranged before registration for the course will be allowed. The course is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. A maximum of 3 hours of internship credit may be used to satisfy graduation requirements for the MAC or another graduate business program. P: IC and approval of the MAC Program Director.

MAC 795 Independent Study & Research: Advanced study and research in accounting subjects not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses. P: Approval of the Masters of Accounting Coordinator and the Accounting Department Chair.


Professor Emeritus: Jack L. Krogstad, Thomas J. Purcell, Vasant H. Raval

Associate Professors: Maggie Knight, Sijing Wei

Associate Professor Emeritus: Thomas A. Shimerda

Assistant Professors: Hilary Hughes, Donald Lux

Instructors: Alison L. Maloy, Janessa Stormberg