JD/MBA Dual Degree

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree offered through the Heider College of Business paired with the Juris Doctor (JD) degree from the School of Law prepares students for a myriad of professional opportunities through a rigorous academic curriculum with practical experience in business. Students benefit from an interdisciplinary learning environment while completing two degrees simultaneously with fewer credits than if each degree were completed separately. Individuals seeking admission to the dual program must apply to and be admitted separately by both the Heider College of Business and the School of Law. The first year of study is devoted strictly to law courses. Law students must also submit a "Notice of Intent" form to the Associate Dean of the Law School prior to enrolling in their first MBA class. This ensures that law students understand the academic rules pertaining to the JD degree.

Master of Business Administration/Juris Doctor Dual Degree Requirements (105 Credits):

MBA Core
All MBA students will complete four courses that address business processes and skills fundamental to Creighton’s Jesuit and values-based mission.
Creighton's MBA program emphasizes how business leaders apply sound and coherent ethical principles to serve its stakeholders and society for the common good. To support this emphasis, all M.B.A. students complete the following courses:
MBA 771Leadership and Organizational Behavior3
MBA 775Business Policy And Managerial Action3
MBA 776Business, Ethics and Society3
BIA 762Survey of Business Intelligence and Analytics3
MBA Functional Core
Students who are new to the study of business because they hold neither an undergraduate degree in business nor have extensive business work experience may be required to take some or all of the functional core classes. Taking these classes and the core MBA courses will lead to a general competency in most areas of business. Students who hold undergraduate business degrees or have extensive business experience may elect to take one or more of these courses with the approval of the Graduate Business Program's office or may elect to move directly to concentration courses.
MBA 703Accounting for Managers3
MBA 711Managerial Finance (or MIM Elective)3
MBA 741Economic Analysis for Managers3
MBA 761Marketing Management3
Electives - Concentration
Complete the balance of the 33 credits for the MBA degree from concentration courses available in all the functional business areas, plus 6 credits of approved JD work.9
JD First-year Required Courses32
JD Second-year Required Courses22
JD Electives18
35 electives (including the professional skills requirement) are normally required for the JD degree. 12 hours of electives may come from MBA coursework.
Total Credits105

See the Graduate Business Programs Office and the School of Law for complete details and requirements.