JD: Energy, Environmental, and Sustainability Law Concentration

JD Concentration in Energy, Environmental, and Sustainability Law

This concentration will provide students choosing to focus a major portion of their legal studies on energy, environmental, and sustainable development issues with a robust opportunity to discern the applicable laws and regulatory regimes in the area and consider policy issues through research and written work.

Concentration requirements (18 credits)

Required Courses:
LAW 307Administrative Law3
LAW 349Environmental and Natural Resources Law2
LAW 354Energy Law2
Animal Law
Agricultural Law
Corporate Finance
Current Topics in Public Health Law
Climate Change & International Environmental Law
Land Use Law
Native American Law
State and Local Governments in a Federal System
Water Law
Selected Research Topics
Taxation of Business Enterprises
Law and Economics
Total Credits18

Additional courses may be added to this list with the consent of the Concentration Advisor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. 

Substantial Project

Students must engage in research and produce a substantial paper or court document related to energy, environmental, and/or sustainable development law. This requirement can be satisfied by satisfactory completion and submission of a written document that falls within any of the following categories:

  1. Law Review Note, with approval of the Concentration Advisor and with a faculty member as advisor;
  2. A Court Document, e.g. Amicus, Brief of Memorandum of Law (real or moot) with the approval of the Concentration Advisor and with a faculty member as advisor;
  3. Qualifying paper in any Designated Elective course;
  4. Independent Study approved in accordance with the policies set forth in the Creighton School of Law Handbook and overseen by a Faculty member and with approval of the Concentration Advisor.

Non-Classroom Engagement Requirement

Students must also meet the following requirements: To ensure a broad-based exposure to the field, ten (10) hours of related extracurricular or co-curricular activities, such as active participation in the Energy Law Association or Environmental Law Society, attending relevant meetings, hearings or speakers, administrative or other active participation in the energy-related events on or off campus (e.g., hearings, moot court, symposia).