Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship

The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) supports and facilitates undergraduate research across all schools and colleges at Creighton University.

Director: Ashley Fricks-Gleason, PhD
Research Program Planner: Ethan Ankrum

Concentration in Undergraduate Research and Scholarship

The Concentration in Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is offered by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) in recognition of undergraduate students who have mastered a comprehensive range of skills essential to their success as Jesuit-educated researchers. Students obtain the concentration through a combination of coursework, research presentations, proposal writing or publication, and participation in events and assessments sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship. In the spirit of the Jesuit tradition, reflection and ethics are also crucial components of this program.

Learning Outcomes and Objectives:

  1. Students will acquire research skills and knowledge specific to their field of interest

2. Students will effectively orally communicate their research/creative project findings to a broader audience

3. Students will effectively communicate their research/creative project findings and ideas in written form

4. Students will reflect on how their research fits into Creighton’s mission and addresses Jesuit values

Concentration Requirements (10 Credits):

Summary: The Concentration has requirements in two primary forms: academic and research dissemination. The academic requirement includes successful completion of 3 credits of independent research and 6 credits of research-related coursework. The research dissemination portion requires 1 research proposal or publication, 1 presentation at a local, regional, or national conference, and either attendance or presentation of one’s research at 3 Creighton research events. Research dissemination recognition is completed in a 1 credit capstone research course.

Independent Resarch3
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Projects
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research (Extramural)
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Research
Directed Independent Research I
Directed Independent Research II
Directed Independent Research - Special
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Senior Capstone
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Senior Capstone: Entrepreneurial Media
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Research
Independent Research Project
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research (Extramural)
Directed Independent Research (Intramural)
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research
Directed Independent Research in Spanish and Hispanic Studies
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Research
Research Courses:6
Student may choose courses from any of the three course areas: Research Methods and Analysis, Research Communication or Ethics, or Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). There are no area distribution requirements for coursework.
Research Methods and Analysis
Theories and Methods in American Studies
Qualitative Methods, Ethnography, and Engagement
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Applied Research: Assessment and Evaluation
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
History and Methods of Art History
Advanced Ceramics I
Life Drawing IV
Painting IV
Printmaking IV
Business Analytics
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Structure and Function Laboratory
Animal Behavior Laboratory
Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Neurobiology Laboratory
Terrestrial Ecology
Chemical and Statistical Analysis Laboratory
Quantitative and Statistical Analysis
Communication Research Methods
Rhetoric and Public Culture
Research Design for the Social Sciences
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Qualitative Methods, Ethnography, and Engagement
Applied Research: Assessment and Evaluation
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Database Design and Security
Machine Learning
Exploring Child and Adolescent Development
Understanding Educational Assessment and Statistical Reasoning
Sources and Methods of Writing
Sources and Methods of Reading
Novel Ecologies: History, Literature, and Environmental Crisis
Adventurous Men and Wild Women: Genre, Gender and Geography in Fin-de-Siecle Literature
Health, Justice and Literature
Literature, Philosophy and Economics: In Search of Economic Justice
Literacy And Technology: How Technology Shapes Cultural Literacy
Trauma in Literature
The Body in Early English Literature
The Rhetoric of Emotion
American Prisons: Punish or Reform
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Basic Statistics and Research Design
Nutrition Health&Sports Perfor
Laboratory Methods and Procedures
Neuromechanics of Human Movement
Applied Immunology
Business of the Arts
Introduction to Literary Analysis
Introduction To German Literature
History Workshop
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Media Research
Marketing Research
Mathematical Analysis
Modern Algebra I
Statistical Reasoning
Evidence-Based Practice I
Care Management Concepts II
Evidence-Based Practice II
Moral Philosophy
World Philosophy
Philosophy of Language
Introduction To Chinese Philosophy
Social And Political Philosophy
American Philosophy
History Of Ancient Western Philosophy
History of Hellenistic Philosophy
History of Medieval Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
History of 19th-Century Philosophy
Research Methods
Classical Mechanics
Political Science Research Methods 2
Politics of the Middle East
Public and Non-Profit Administration
Game Theory And Social Choice
Advanced Statistics for Political Science
Research Methods and Statistics I - Laboratory
Research Methods And Statistics II
Research Design for the Social Sciences
Power and Society: Political Sociology in Action
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Gender in American Society
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Spanish Phonetics
Introduction to Literary Analysis
Archaeology of Israel and Jordan
Method and Theory in Theology
Bible, Spirituality, & American Public Life
The Pentateuch
The Prophetic Literature Of The Old Testament
The Wisdom Literature Of The Old Testament
History of Biblical Interpretation
Israelite Religions
Studies in Early Christianity
Seminar in Christian Anthropology
Reformation Theology
Catholic Social Teaching
Gender, Race and Morality
Religion and Politics
The Rwanda Genocide as a Challenge for the Church
Special Topics: Sources and Applications 1
Special Topics: Sources and Applications 2
Research Communication or Ethics
Senior Seminar
Senior Capstone: Applying the Social Sciences
Senior Thesis
Senior Thesis II
Business Ethics
Directed Independent Readings
Chemistry Seminar
Senior Research in Communication Studies
Senior Capstone: Applying the Social Sciences
Senior Capstone
History of Political Economy
Comparative Economic Systems
Advanced Instructional Practices
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Communication
Senior Seminar
Career Preparation and Professionalism
Advanced Spoken French
Advanced Written French
Data Visualization
German For Business And Economics
Bioethics and Society
Seminar In Health Administration
Internship In Health Administration And Policy
Directed Independent Readings
Intersections: History of Disability
Special Problems in History
Media Writing
Professional Writing
History of American Mass Media
Current Issues in Mathematics
Senior Recital
Neurobiology of Disease
Neuroscience Senior Seminar
Sciences, Ethics & Society
Biomedical Ethics: Philosophical and Theological Approaches
Senior Seminar
Physics Seminar
Research Capstone
Public Affairs Internship
Senior Research Seminar In Political Science
Advanced Research Practicum
Honors Seminar
Senior Capstone: Applying the Social Sciences
Advanced Spanish Composition
Advanced Spanish Translation
Senior Seminar
Senior Thesis
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)
Arts and Civic Engagement: Empty Bowls
Art and Activism
Microbiology Laboratory
Current Topics in Genetics
Biochemistry Laboratory
Human Computer Interaction
Social Networks Analytics
Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
Special Topics
Introduction to Undergraduate Research
The City in Literature
Global Bollywood
History of Environmental Inequalities
Global Environmental History
La litterature francophone africaine
Women Writers In French And Francophone Literature
History of the Romance Languages
Graphic Design
The Multiplicity of German Culture: Cultural Differences and Marginality
The Politics of Heredity: Eugenics in America
Mathematical History, Philosophy And Ethics
Global Environmental History
Advanced Research Methods
Media Ethics and Law
Mathematics in Medicine and the Life Sciences I
Directed Independent Research
Advanced Independent Research
Introduction to Biological Physics
Research Methods And Statistics II Laboratory
Medical Spanish II
Twentieth-Century Latin-American Poetry
Twentieth-Century Latin American Theatre
History of the Romance Languages
Senior Seminar
Play Direction And Script Analysis II
Theatre for Social Justice
Research Dessemination:
CUR 400Capstone in Undergraduate Research1
Total Credits10

The purpose of the Capstone course is to create or finalize the portfolio of research dissemination activities that have been completed by the student since arriving at Creighton. Students must enroll in CUR 400 during the semester they anticipate finalizing the following required research activities:

  1. One research presentation, exhibit, or performance at an event that includes non-Creighton attendees (local, regional, national). A Creighton-hosted event satisfies this requirement if it is a local, regional, or national event with non-Creighton attendees invited. 
  2. Attendance at 3 on-campus research, exhibition, or performance events (presentation at 2 on-campus events can substitute for the 3 attendance events). Off-campus presentations can substitute for up to 2 on-campus presentations.
  3. One research proposal (internal or external), or 1 submitted publication (internal via Quest (or equivalent internal publication outlets) or external outlets).
    1. Proposals
      1. Research proposals can be written as part of a course, an internal funding application (e.g. Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Fellowship), or external funding mechanisms.
      2. All proposals should include clear rationale, goals, and proposed methodology. Proposals should be at least 1000 words in length (approximately 4 pages double-spaced), unless otherwise stipulated by the funding agency.
      3. All proposals must have gone through a peer or expert-review process (internal or external) to satisfy this requirement.
      4. Proposals do not need to be funded to satisfy this requirement (i.e. rejected proposals are acceptable)
    2. Publications
      1. Work submitted to external outlets does not have to be published to satisfy the requirement (i.e. works under review or rejected still count).
      2. Published abstracts alone do not satisfy this requirement