Master of Finance (MFIN)

Program Director: Dr. Randy Jorgensen
Program Office: Harper Center

Graduate Study in Finance

The Master of Finance (MFIN) program, which consists of 33 hours (11 classes) of graduate credit beyond the foundation, is designed for students who are interested in graduate studies in Finance. The program allows for advanced study of both corporate finance and investments while also providing for the study of managerial topics essential to the working finance professional. The MFIN degree is ideal for students who want to focus more of their studies in finance than they could if they pursued an MBA degree with a concentration in finance. It is also appropriate for students who do not desire the depth in investments provided by the Master of Investment Management and Financial Analysis (MIMFA) degree.  

Program learning Goals and student learning outcomes

As guided by our mission and identity statements, the program learning goals (PLGs) and student learning outcomes (SLOs) below are written to reflect our beliefs about the attributes of business leaders who exemplify the Jesuit ideals.

Creighton-formed business leaders will: 

PLG 1: Exhibit disciplinary knowledge and behavior essential in financial management.

SLO 1A: Demonstrate knowledge of essential basics of economics, statistics, financial analysis and financial instruments.

SLO 1B: Apply valuation models to estimate the value of financial assets.

SLO 1C: Apply advanced business concepts to make intelligent decisions in a business situation.

PLG 2: Think critically to aid decision-making.

SLO 2A: Analyze the strategic elements of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary business situation and propose a course of action.

SLO 2B: Interpret and synthesize data used in investment analysis.

PLG 3: Commit to action that demonstrates care for others.

SLO 3A: Analyze a business ethics situation and propose a course of action.

SLO 3B: Communicate respectfully and effectively.

SLO 3C: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of working effectively and in solidarity across the distinctions of human diversity.

PLG 4: Exhibit personal habits consistent with personal formation.

SLO 4A: Demonstrate deliberative reflection for lifelong personal and professional formation.


  1. Eligibility for Admission: Applicants for admission to the MFIN program must have a baccalaureate degree, regardless of the undergraduate field of study, and an acceptable level of scholarship from an accredited institution of higher education, along with the following documents:
  2. Application: A completed online application form, personal essay discussing how a master’s degree fits in with an applicant’s career plans and which aspects of Creighton’s MFIN program are most appealing, current resume, and a non-refundable application fee.
  3. Recommendations: Two recommendations are required. The recommendations should be completed by persons other than family members who are capable of assessing an applicant’s performance in an academic or work setting.
  4. Transcripts: One official transcript must be sent from each institution of collegiate rank attended by the applicant. Transcripts should be sent directly from the collegiate institution to Enrollment Services, Harper Center, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178. All such transcripts become the property of Creighton University.
  5. Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT): The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is not required for applicants who have work experience and a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA across all institutions attended.  If the applicant’s cumulative GPA is less than 3.00, the GMAT is required. For applicants without work experience, and for all applicants to the MIMFA and MFIN programs, a minimum 3.50 cumulative GPA is required for the GMAT waiver.  All international students whose undergraduate degree was not granted by a US institution will be required to submit a GMAT score. Regardless of the applicant’s cumulative GPA, the admissions committee reserves the right to require an applicant to submit a GMAT score if there are concerns regarding the applicant’s work experience and/or the student’s achievement across all math, statistics, economics and finance courses previously completed.
  6. Test of English as a Foreign Language: The Graduate School requires all students who are native speakers of languages other than English to demonstrate competence in English.  International applicants who received their baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution from the following countries are not required to show proficiency in English; Australia, Canada, Barbados, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guam, Ireland, Jamaica, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Scotland, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, and Virgin Islands.  There are 3 test scores that can be used to demonstrate competence in English.  Only one of the three must be provided.  1) TOEFL: score of 90 or above on the Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) with no section below 20.  2) IELTS: overall band score of at least 6.5 with no section below 6.  3) Duolingo: score of 110 or above. 
  7. Financial Ability: All international applicants must provide a "Certification of Available Finances" form in order for the I-20 form to be issued by the Office of International Programs if an applicant is admitted to the program.

Acceptance to the MFIN Program is granted to applicants who clearly demonstrate that they have high promise of succeeding in graduate business study. Interviews are not required as part of the admission process. Applicants who wish to visit the campus prior to submitting their application materials are welcome to contact the Graduate Business Programs to schedule an appointment.

Professors: Lee M. Dunham, Ernest Goss, Randy Jorgensen, N. Vasudeva Murthy, Kenneth M. Washer, John Wingender

Associate Professors: Charles Braymen, Melissa Woodley

Assistant Professors: Tirimba Obonyo

MBA 711. Managerial Finance. 3 credits.

This course focuses on how financial managers can create value for a firm. Techniques addressed include effective employment of capital budgeting and resource allocation techniques, proper computation and use of the cost of capital, and how to deal with capital structure and dividend decisions. P: MBA 703 Statistics.

MBA 712. Advanced Managerial Finance. 3 credits.

An advanced study of the role of financial managers in efficiently employing a firm's capital to create value. Case analysis is used to enhance understanding of the role, responsibilities, and overall goals of the financial manager of a firm. P: MBA 711 or equivalent and Statistics.

MBA 741. Economic Analysis for Managers. 3 credits.

A study of major micro- and macroeconomic principles, analyses of major economic problems, economic and business data. The course provides an understanding and familiarity with some basic micro and macroeconomics tools and economic policies that are used in business decision-making. P: Statistics.

MBA 742. Seminar in Applied Managerial Economics. 3 credits.

Analysis of economic information and techniques necessary in business decision-making, including the adaptation of economic concepts, principles, and research methods to the needs of business managers. Explores the relationships among inflation, short term interest rates, long term interest rates, and company value. P: MBA 741 or equivalent and Statistics.

MBA 771. Leadership and Organizational Behavior. 3 credits.

This course explores the most important theories and models that explain the influence of leadership on the behaviors and attitudes of individuals, teams, and other groups. The course covers specific leadership skills such as motivating followers, recognizing individual differences, leading groups and teams, exercising power, managing conflict, improving communication, and leading change.

MBA 775. Business Policy And Managerial Action. 3 credits.

This course covers strategic management concepts and practices used by business leaders to enhance the competitive position of their companies. The course will require students to take the role of upper management and use information from all functional areas of business to develop strategic responses to business situations. P: Last semester or last six hours of enrollment in the MBA program.

MBA 776. Business, Ethics and Society. 3 credits.

This course explores the theoretical frameworks and practical approaches that business leaders can take for addressing micro, meso, and macro level ethical and social issues related to business. Specific issues covered can vary, though some global business ethics issues are always explored. Special emphasis is given throughout the course to ways that businesses can be both profitable and a positive force for economic and social justice.

MIM 720. Ethical and Professional Standards. 3 credits.

An intensive study of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), corporate governance issues and risks affecting companies.

MIM 722. Fixed Income and Derivatives I. 3 credits.

A study of fixed income investments, including basic characteristics of bonds in alternative sectors, valuation tools, and factors that influence bond yields. Also includes a study of derivative investments, including forwards, futures, options, and swaps. P: MBA 711.

MIM 724. Quantitative Analysis. 3 credits.

A study of elementary statistics, data collection and analysis, regression and correlation analysis, probability theory and distributions, hypothesis testing, and the time value of money. Also covers regression and correlation analysis and time series analysis as they are used in portfolio management.

MIM 730. Financial Statement Analysis I. 3 credits.

A study of financial accounting procedures and the rules that govern disclosure. Emphasis is placed on basic financial statements and how alternative accounting methods affect those statements, the analysis of financial statement relationships, and the implications of alternative accounting methods for financial analysis and valuation. P: MBA 703.

MIM 732. Economics of Investment Management. 3 credits.

A study of macroeconomic and microeconomic principles, including the key components of economic activity, macroeconomic theory and policy. Also a study of equity investments, including securities markets, efficient market theory, the analysis of equity risk and return (for industries and companies), and technical analysis. P: MBA 741.

MIM 734. Equity Analysis. 3 credits.

A study of the concepts and techniques that are basic to the valuation of equity securities. P: MBA 711, MIM 724.

MIM 740. Portfolio Management. 3 credits.

This course focuses on the theory and practice of modern portfolio management. Major topics will include modern portfolio theory, asset allocation, active and passive investment strategies, and performance evaluation and attribution. Students will study the proper construction and evaluation of portfolios for individuals and institutions and apply these concepts in a variety of contexts. P: To be completed in the last 9 hours of degree program of study.