All Undergraduate Courses - College of Professional and Continuing Education



CPS 170. Privilege, Power and Difference. 3 credits. FA, SP, SU

Students examine how privilege, power, and difference operate in society: not only among individuals but also in systems and institutions. A focus will be placed on the importance of language, connections to service, social justice and human dignity, and recognizing current events that exemplify privilege, power and/or oppression. P: COM 152.

CPS 200. Making the Transition to College:Strategies for Degree Completion. 3 credits. FA, SP

Newly admitted College of Professional and Continuing Education students will explore the University’s Jesuit, Catholic history and Ignatian values; learn about the culture of scholarship and its basis in the standards of academic integrity; become familiar with program and course expectations; and gain an understanding of the tools and services available throughout the University. Students will understand their plan of study, including mapping time to degree and ways to earn academic credit, including the Passport to Prior Learning. Students will be introduced to academic writing techniques. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

CPS 201. Prior Learning Asses Theory and Practice. 3 credits. FA, SP

Prior learning assessment (PLA) is the process of earning college credit for learning that was acquired from non-classroom experiences like work, professional training, military careers, volunteering and personal life. This course will help students to identify areas of learning they may want to have evaluated for college-level equivalency. This course will also guide students through the preparation and compilation of all components required for the evaluation of a portfolio for prior learning. Students will learn critical reflection skills to rethink the value of their learning and its implications for future learning. Adult learning theory, models, and concepts will be discussed and applied to case studies. This course is facilitated by an instructor who provides guidance for the student in preparing his or her portfolio-based request for credit. P: CPS 200; English composition.

CPS 400. What Really Matters:Discernment, Conscience, Compassion. 3 credits. FA, SP

Using the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, students reflect on multiple Jesuit charisms and what they “mean” for their own lives, with a special focus on discerning “what they love” as related to vocation, service, justice and cura personalis. Students articulate beliefs on our culture and (in)justice at societal and personal levels. P: Critical Issues in Human Inquiry course. P: One Magis Core Critical Issues in Human Inquiry course; Senior standing.

ILS 201. Introduction to Leadership Studies. 3 credits.

Students in this course investigate foundational information about leading in today's world. Students will be introduced to leadership theories and practices, ethical issues, and reflective processes from a leadership perspective. Students will also learn concepts of organizational leadership as well as how Ignatian values connect to professional growth. P: Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program; ENG 150.

ILS 302. Strategic Leadership & Project Management. 3 credits.

This course introduces students to the concepts and practical applications of strategic leadership, project planning, and project management, preparing them with the skills necessary to develop, implement, monitor, and revise a successful project plan. Students will incorporate the use of computers and technology into the process of managing projects in collaboration with others in today's digital world. P: ILS 201. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 303. Ethical Dimensions of Leadership. 3 credits.

Leadership is not just an act but a way of being. This course will explore the ethical foundations that inform the leader’s personal and professional practices. Students will examine ethical theories and concepts applied to leadership challenges in real-world situations, including examples of their own life experience. Emphasis will be placed on understanding ethical leadership for social and organizational change that seeks the common good, the leader’s role as a moral agent, as well as the organization’s role as a moral agent in society. P: Ethics course and ILS 201.

ILS 304. Financial and Quantitative Dimensions of Leadership. 3 credits.

Students will gain practical and job-ready financial and quantitative analysis skills. This course incorporates real-world case studies to help students understand finance from a holistic perspective. Students will gain an understanding of key financial terms and tools to demonstrate how they can be used in organizational situations. This course provides foundational information required for leaders to successfully understand the key functional areas of business and the role of quantitative data in decision making. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program. P: Oral Communication course and ILS 201.

ILS 306. Social Justice: In Thought and Action. 3 credits.

The primary goal of the course is to familiarize students with the ways in which theories of social justice can motivate leaders in their approach to problems of social justice. Students will examine how specific movements and persons have informed efforts to enact social change. Students will reflect upon their own experiences; address questions of leadership and social justice in thought and in action; and contribute to their personal and professional development becoming change agents in their own communities. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program. P: ILS 201.

ILS 310. Global Perspectives: Food in World History. 3 credits.

This course examines the role of food in shaping world history from ancient times through the modern era through the study of food and cultural history. Using food as a centerpiece, students explore the cultural, economic, and geopolitical roles of food and drink in world history from pre-modern times to the present. This course will examine the connections and exchanges within historical events and related issues such as culture, race, class, gender, religion, power, leadership, identity, and the environment. P: Critical Issues in Human Inquiry.

ILS 320. Theories of Leadership and Organizational Change. 3 credits. SP

The Leadership and Organizational Change course is an introductory leadership course designed to prepare students to develop or improve their knowledge, understanding and skills in communication, interpersonal relationships, leadership practice, leadership theories, organizational culture and change, diversity and working with teams and small groups, so that they can be more effective in the leadership positions they currently hold, or prepare for a position to which they aspire. The course will build on and enhance the student’s preexisting leadership knowledge and experience. Students will be expected to develop and write about critical incidents/case studies based on their experiences, which will provide meaningful dialogue and discussion for each of the major topics of the course. This strategy will integrate the knowledge and experience of adult learners to the course content. Studying leadership is a journey and knowledge is socially constructed, so participation by all members of the class is required to enhance collaborative learning and provide feedback which contributes to the diversity of ideas from and across all types of leadership positions and organizations. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program. P: Understanding Social Science course.

ILS 331. Healthcare in Society. 3 credits.

This course is designed to give students an overview of the state of modern healthcare including types of delivery systems, types of insurance coverage, the impact of the Affordable Care Act, and the effects a modern system has on society. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 341. Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector. 3 credits.

This course will provide students with an understanding of the nature, characteristics, purpose, and challenges of nonprofits as the fastest growing sector in the United States while also learning about the difference between nonprofits and the public and private sectors as well as the interconnectivity of the three sectors. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 352. Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. 3 credits.

This course will focus on the core competencies of EIL, which combines the concepts of emotional intelligence and leadership in one model. In this course, students will explore the EIL model (consciousness of context, consciousness of self, and consciousness of others) and the twenty-one capacities that define the emotionally intelligent leader by experiencing, developing and applying the EIL concepts and skills that make up their emotional intelligence.

ILS 356. Coaching and Mentoring. 3 credits. SP

In this course, students will explore the role of leadership and why a good leader is also a good coach. Students will explore three core values of an effective coach: people, performance, and process. Students will describe and demonstrate the Ten Skills of Coaching. Students will conduct an effective coaching session and develop and action plan in partnership with a colleague.

ILS 357. Women in Leadership. 3 credits. FA

This course helps students understand the unique challenges and opportunities confronting women in leadership roles in today’s society. Students explore factors and values affecting women’s leadership development in the United States and several other countries. Students become aware of modern-day issues that affect women in their communities, nation, and world by real world case studies. Students utilize discussion boards to communicate thoughts on topics, reflection papers, conduct an interview with a woman in leadership positions, write two papers, and develop an informational “woman in leadership” presentation in partnership with colleagues.

ILS 364. The Human Capital Management Environment. 3 credits.

This course presents the organizational context of Human Resource Management, and its role in optimizing an organization’s capability to meet its business objectives and achieve its mission. Students will examine the diverse philosophies and contemporary practices of multiple companies, in a variety of industries, and will gain an understanding of the effectiveness of these differing approaches. They will also be introduced to legislation affecting the management of human capital within organizations, and the HR policies that are impacted. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 370. Leadership Well-Being. 3 credits.

Students in this course investigate foundational information about leading in today's world. Students will be introduced to leadership theories and practices, ethical issues, and reflective processes from a leadership perspective. Students will also learn concepts of organizational leadership as well as how Ignatian values connect to professional growth. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program. P: ENG 150.

ILS 371. Leadership in Literature. 3 credits.

This course gives students the opportunity to grasp concepts of leadership through the experiences of fictional characters. In this way, students can access their own characters as they reflect on the complexities found within the readings discussed in the course. P: CPS 170; CPCE student or by Dean's Office Permission.

ILS 401. ILS Practicum. 3 credits.

Students will arrange a practical field experience to further develop their skills and abilities in a professional or organizational setting where they will be engaged in interdisciplinary leadership in action. This could include working with another person on a major project or exploring an area outside the student’s own field (business, nonprofit, or health). The student will gain an understanding of researching internal or external elements related to personnel, policy, politics, economics, finance, governing relationships, elements of change, or other influences that challenge leadership, and then apply or recommend an innovative solution. The practicum experience will be arranged working with the practicum advisor.

ILS 442. Philanthropy Concepts, Principles and Roles. 3 credits.

This course studies the concepts of philanthropy and leadership in today’s organizations. Students explore the purpose and role of giving to organizations, why giving is integral to an organization’s development, and how leaders can cultivate strategies to build strong relationships that lead to meaningful donor engagement.

ILS 445. Nonprofit Governance: Board Development and Strategic Planning. 3 credits.

Nonprofit organizations have a unique governance model that requires thorough understanding. This course will introduce the students to effectively recruiting, training, and managing board members. Also, the students will learn about strategic planning as an imperative for running a sustainable and mission-centered organization. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 458. Organizational Messaging. 3 credits. SU

Organizational rhetoric is the strategic use of symbols to generate meanings—the communication processes through which formal organizations exert influence on popular attitudes and public policies. In this course, we explore how people within organizations use language to generate collective identities, communicate with stakeholders, and reinforce particular organizational values and goals. We will learn different theories and approaches to analyzing rhetoric in order to engage and critique particular “artifacts” created by organizations (e.g., handbooks, websites, letters, press releases, public relations efforts, policies) using appropriate methods. We will take an evaluative approach (i.e., was the rhetoric successful?) as well as a critical approach (i.e., is there a power differential?) toward organizational rhetoric.

ILS 462. Acquiring and Selecting Human Resource Capability. 3 credits.

This course introduces the student to workforce planning and considerations in staffing the organization. Job analysis, which is considered to be the capstone of human resource management, is explained and demonstrated, along with the components of effective job design. Various methods of recruiting staff are presented for students to evaluate. The selection process is examined, and the key legal considerations impacting staffing are identified. Must be enrolled in the BS-Leadership program.

ILS 469. Engaging and Retaining Human Capital. 3 credits.

This course is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of an organization’s human resource programs in motivating and retaining employees. The topics of employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment are discussed. HR policies that meet organizational needs, are legally compliant, and are viewed by employees to be fair are examined. Must be enrolled in one of the following CPS programs: Leadership or Healthy Lifestyle Management.

ILS 495. Directed Independent Study. 1-3 credits. OD

May be repeated to a limit of six hours. P: DC.

ILS 499. Leadership Capstone. 3 credits. FA, SP

This course will allow students to prepare and formally present the portfolio they have been building during their journey through the program. The portfolio will become an integral part of the student’s learning experiences. The portfolio should be regarded much like an artist’s portfolio, building it continually through the student’s program. P: Contemporary Composition course; ILS 201.