The Academic Year

The traditional academic year is divided into two semesters and summer session. The Heider College of Business also utilizes a Winter Session, offered between the Fall and Spring semesters.

Fall and Spring Semesters

The first semester, often referred to as the “Fall” semester, begins in mid-August and ends before the Christmas holiday; the second semester, often referred to as the “Spring” semester begins in January and ends in May. In the Fall semester there is a one week mid-semester recess as well as a short Thanksgiving recess. In the Spring semester there is a mid-semester week-long recess as well as a short Easter recess.

Within each semester there are also two eight-week terms, which fit closely within the traditional semester dates, for the graduate programs who use this calendar option.

Summer Sessions

The traditional Summer Session offers courses in shortened time frames. Summer may provide significant opportunities to students who wish to accelerate their studies and satisfy degree requirements or other interests, to teachers who wish to obtain credit for state certificates, and/or for professional improvement, etc. A variety of short workshops and institutes on topics of current interest are part of each summer’s offerings.