MBA/Master of Investment Management and Financial Analysis Dual Degree

The 48 credit hour dual MBA/MIMFA program prepares students for an advanced investments and financial analysis as guided by the Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct, while preparing them to be value-based leaders via the general management education of the MBA degree.


All students entering the dual MBA/MIMFA program will need to show evidence they have completed at least one statistics course that includes regression and correlation or satisfy the statistics requirement by taking MIM 724. 

MBA/Master of Investment Management and Financial Analysis Dual Degree Requirements (48 Credits):

MBA Core
All MBA/MIMFA students will complete four MBA courses that address business processes and skills fundamental to Creighton’s Jesuit and values-based mission.
MBA 771Leadership and Organizational Behavior3
MBA 775Business Policy And Managerial Action3
MBA 776Business, Ethics and Society3
BIA 762Survey of Business Intelligence and Analytics3
MBA Functional Core
Students who are new to the study of business because they hold neither an undergraduate business degree nor have extensive business work experience will be required to take some or all of the functional core classes. These classes, combined with the core, will lead to a general competency in most areas of business.
Students who hold an undergraduate business degree or have extensive business experiences will work with the Graduate Business Program's staff to select advanced courses in three of the four functional areas.
MBA 703Accounting for Managers3
MBA 711Managerial Finance (or MIM Elective)3
MBA 761Marketing Management3
MIM 720Ethical and Professional Standards3
MIM 722Fixed Income and Derivatives I3
MIM 724Quantitative Analysis3
MIM 730Financial Statement Analysis I3
MIM 732Economics of Investment Management3
MIM 734Equity Analysis3
MIM 736Fixed Income and Derivatives II3
MIM 738Financial Statement Analysis II3
MIM 740Portfolio Management3
Total Credits48