Honor Code

Honor Code

Students will be asked to sign this pledge at the beginning of each academic year acknowledging they have read the Honor Code, understand its principles, and agree to abide by and support them.


We, the students of the Creighton University School of Dentistry understand this Honor Code to be an expression of moral and ethical standards that are the pillars of the academic community and the dental profession. We understand that academic dishonesty is socially and professionally unacceptable, that institutional expectations are to be fulfilled, and that students help their peers to be the best that they can be. As Creighton dental students, we uphold Ignatian values and the ideals in this Honor Code through self-governance and through the support of our colleagues. This Honor Code does not supersede any policy, regulation, code, statutes, or laws that exist within Creighton University, the State of Nebraska, or federal jurisdiction.

Accountability, Integrity, and Truthfulness

As Creighton dental students, our responsibilities and conduct parallel that of professional practitioners. We uphold the highest level of honor and integrity in our daily activities and adhere to the Codes of Ethics promoted by the American Dental Association and the American Student Dental Association. Truthfulness, a component of honor, requires accurate representation of oneself and includes, but is not limited to, trustworthiness and fairness to others. Cheating, plagiarism, stealing, and lying in any form is not acceptable in ourselves or in others.

Accountability for one’s own learning, including learning and growing from one’s mistakes, is a cornerstone of being a professional. Self-assessment and lifelong learning are essential for providing the highest quality of health care. You and your colleagues will be challenged many times as a student and as a practitioner and during those times, you must find strength, and help others to find strength, through the Ignatian value of cura propria, care of oneself that encompasses the values that you pledge here today.

Compassion and Duty to Others

As aspiring dental professionals, we students believe that compassion, empathy, and respect are components of all attitudes and behaviors that we exhibit. Compassion sharpens our purpose and focus to learn and to serve others and contributes to a successful and fulfilling career. Duty to others is our commitment to the greater good, to our family, friends, colleagues, communities, and the patients we serve. Duty to others also encompasses helping others to be the best that they can be.


Professionalism is conducting oneself with responsibility, accountability, integrity, and excellence. It requires us to be reflective of our actions in our conduct with others in all aspects of our lives. Professionalism earns trust and respect from others and is expected from you from this day forward.


By signing the Creighton University School of Dentistry Honor Code, I acknowledge that as a member of the dental school class, I have read, understand, taken to heart, and will abide by, support, and forward the principles and values within this Code. (2023)