The School Year

The academic year begins in May on the day specified in the School Calendar and continues into the following April or May. The year includes approximately thirty-two weeks of instruction, divided into two semesters. In addition, a summer session of approximately ten weeks is mandatory for students progressing into the Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. Accordingly, those students promoted into the summer session are considered to be automatically registered for the summer.

Clinic Hours of Operation:

August - April
Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 1pm - 5pm
Thursday 8am - noon
Friday 1pm - 5pm

Summer Hours
Monday & Tuesday 8am - noon; 1pm - 5pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8am - noon

There is a fall recess, a short Thanksgiving vacation, a two-week Christmas-Midyear recess, a one-week vacation in the spring, a short recess between the second semester and the summer term, and a total of four weeks of vacation following the summer session.