
The Creighton University assigned email account shall be the official means of communication with all students, faculty, and staff within the School of Dentistry. All community members are responsible for all information sent to them via their University assigned email account. Members who choose to manually forward mail from their University email accounts are responsible for ensuring that all information, including attachments, is transmitted in its entirety to the preferred account.

All faculty, staff, and students are required to maintain an computer account. This account provides both an online identification key and a University Official Email address. Both the University and School of Dentistry send much of their correspondence solely through email. This includes, but is not limited to, policy announcements, emergency notices, meeting and event notifications, course syllabi and requirements, and correspondence between faculty, staff, and students. Such correspondence is mailed only to the University Official Email address.

Faculty, staff and students are expected to check their email on accounts on a daily basis in order to stay current with University-related communications as well as School of Dentistry messages and notices. Everyone has the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. Maintenance of this account requires regular emptying of the electronic mailbox as well as adhering to all computer use policies related to the use of email and the Internet.

For cases where a record of communication must be kept in the student’s file, registered mail, regular mail, or hand delivered letters will most frequently be used. The email system may be used to advise a student that such a letter awaits him/her in the Administrative Office.

Policies governing various activities within the School of Dentistry are distributed to students annually via BlueLine where they are available on a 24/7 basis. (2015)