Test Taking Policy

Uniform Electronic Testing and Exam Integrity

Purpose – This policy and associated procedures are designed to provide a secure exam environment that minimizes stress for the student and faculty and sets expectations for ExamSoft’s Examplify and other testing modalities consistently across disciplines.

Scope – This policy applies to examinations where Examplify or other testing modalities are used.  Although intended for major course exams, it can be used at the discretion of faculty for quizzes when deemed appropriate.

Authority/Administrative Office – The Academic Dean is responsible for this policy.

Definitions – None

Policy – To provide a secure testing environment, to assure academic integrity and to provide uniformity to the testing process, the following procedures apply.

Electronic Procedures – (Course Directors may apply segments of this section to other testing formats)

a.      Students are expected to be on time for all exams. The time available for the exam is managed electronically. However, to assure that students can take advantage of the full       time allowed and to avoid infringement upon other classes or actives occurring after the exam, they must be present at the beginning to receive the code to open the exam. If students are ill or otherwise detained or have accommodations, they should contact the Office of Student Affairs before the exam start time.

b.      Students should bring only the laptop on which they will take the exam and pen/pencil           with which to write.

i.  Scratch paper will be distributed to the students by the instructor if necessary. The paper will be turned in at the end of the exam. Scratch paper will be collected from each student, whether it is utilized or not.

ii. The Teaching and Learning Center Exam Developer or representative will be present and have spare laptops should a student’s laptop experience a catastrophic event.

c.     Students may bring in a water bottle.

d.    If a student brings a backpack into the room, it must be left around the periphery of the room, not within reaching distance.  The preferred location is at the front of the classroom.

e.      Other electronics devices (for example; cell phones, electronic watches) must be left in the student’s locker or stored securely in student backpacks; being either    muted or powered off.

f.     Once the exam is completed, it will be submitted and verified.

i.  After test submission, students are not to close their laptops as their final “successful upload screen” must be verified by the course director or assigned proctors.

ii. The instructor in the room will tell students how he or she wants to verify       the upload screens for the examination.  (For example, directing students to exit through a door at which faculty are stationed to observe the screen.)

iii. Once testing materials have been submitted or handed in, the student must exit the testing area and not return until all students have completed the exam.

g.      Grades will be posted to Blueline when the instructor has had opportunity to review and verify the exam grades. Students will be notified by Blueline when the score is available. The timing of grade postings could vary for many reasons.

h.    Exams are not to be discussed outside the classroom after the exam.

i.      No replication of the test questions, by any means or for any purpose, is allowed.

Amendment Statement – The University/School has the right to amend and individual units of the University have the right to use the policy as a foundational document in the development of specific policy for that unit in order to meet its specific operating conditions or accreditation requirements with prior approval to do so.

Addition Information, Resources and Attachments – See attached. (2019)