Email Use

The purpose of this procedure is to provide assistance to the faculty, staff, and students of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions to ensure their use of University email is in support of the teaching, research, and public service mission of the University, and the administrative functions that support this mission. This procedure is in addition to the Creighton University Fair, Responsible, and Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources which can be found on the University's web site.

General Email Guidelines

  1. University electronic mail (email) services may be used for incidental personal purposes provided that such use does not:
    1. directly or indirectly interfere with the University operation of computing facilities or electronic mail services;
    2. burden the University with noticeable incremental cost; or
    3. interfere with the email user’s employment or other obligations to the University
  2. Use of email distribution lists in the Creighton University Global Address List for commercial or private business purposes is prohibited.
  3. Use of email distribution lists in the Creighton University Global Address List for organized political activity or political solicitation other than to distribute events sponsored by the University is prohibited.
  4. Use of email distribution lists in the Creighton University Global Address List to forward chain letters is prohibited. A chain letter is defined as an email message that attempts to induce the recipient to forward an email on to two or more new recipients.
  5. Student organizations and academic classes send no more than three emails per event for single day events.
  6. Student organizations and academic classes send no more than two emails per week for fundraising events extending beyond one day.

Email Containing Confidential Information

Confidential information is defined as any information that falls under the FERPA and HIPAA regulations. Examples of emails containing confidential information include, but are not limited to, emails containing

  1. information related to student misconduct issues,
  2. student grades,
  3. personal identification information, or
  4. information related to patient health information.

If you are unsure if information in your email should be considered confidential, it is always better to assume it is confidential and follow the guidelines listed below.

  1. When sending email messages that contain confidential information you must include the following confidentially statement at the beginning of your message.
    The information in this email is confidential. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are the intended recipient, this confidential email correspondence may not be forwarded nor shared with anyone without the express permission of the originator of the message. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to or forward a copy of this message to the sender and delete the message, any attachments, and any copies thereof from your system.
  2. Emails containing HIPAA and FERPA protected information are permitted only when both the sender and receiver are members of Creighton’s workforce and the email stays within the confines of Creighton’s local network. That is, both email addresses must end with “”.