Repeating Courses

A student cannot repeat any course at Creighton University for which a final grade of “C” or better (including “P” and “SA”) has been earned. A student who has received a final grade of “D” or “F” (including “NP” or “UN”) in a course may repeat the course. The course is most commonly repeated at Creighton University through the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, as that is the only way in which the original “D” or “F” grade earned can be discounted when calculating the cumulative grade-point average. If the student repeats the course at Creighton, she/he registers for the course in the normal way. The repeated course and the grade earned will be entered on the student’s record in the term in which the repeated course was completed. The credit and grade points for the higher grade earned (one grade only) will be used to calculate the student’s GPA. As with all other course work attempted, the original course entry and grade (“D”, “F”, “NP”, or “UN”) remain on the student’s permanent record, and will appear on any transcript issued. Similarly, courses with marks of “AF”, “WF”, “AU” or “W” also remain permanently on the student’s record.

The course may be repeated at another accredited institution only with the permission of the Assistant/Associate Dean in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Permission will be granted only if the external course is judged equivalent in both breadth and depth to the course offered at Creighton University. The student must submit documentation of course content to the Assistant/Associate Dean in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs which includes:

  1. the course description as it occurs in the University catalog,
  2. a course syllabus which specifies any required text(s), and
  3. any other official document which describes the course scope, objectives and format.

The Assistant/Associate Dean in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs will consult with the Creighton University Instructor of Record in order to determine equivalency between the Creighton course and the external course. If the student receives permission to enroll in the external course and passes the course with a grade of "C" or better, the student is relieved of the responsibility for repeating the course at Creighton University. However, the external course does appear on the Creighton University transcript and the grade earned in the external course is not used to calculate the student’s GPA. The Creighton University grade-point average is determined only by work done at Creighton University. Grades and credit earned as a Creighton University undergraduate student for professional coursework will be brought into the professional GPA and earned credits.