German Studies

Specific Requirements for Admission to the German Studies Major

  • Completion of GER 225 Intermediate German or GER 303 German Literature and Civilization I: From the Middle Ages to 1871 or GER 304 German Literature and Civilization II: From 1871 to the Present with a grade of "C" or better.

German Studies Requirements: 27 Credits

A minimum of 15 credits toward the major must be taken at Creighton. Study Abroad is recommended.

Select at least 27 credits from the following courses:27
Intermediate German
German Literature and Civilization I: From the Middle Ages to 1871
German Literature and Civilization II: From 1871 to the Present
German For Business And Economics
Studies In Contemporary German Culture: The Last 25 Years
German Conversation 1
Introduction To German Literature
Directed Independent Readings
Directed Independent Study
Directed Independent Research
The New Berlin (3-week summer course in Berlin, Germany)
Contemporary German Literature
German Novelle
The Multiplicity of German Culture: Cultural Differences and Marginality
Reading German Films
German Studies Major Degree Portfolio
Total Credits27