Graduation-Degree Application, Graduation Honors & Diplomas

Degree Application

Each student must file a formal application for degree (completed online through the NEST > Student Services > Student Records > Degree Application and Graduation Participation) by the following deadlines:

Degree completion in Spring Semester (May conferral): Application due February 15

Degree completion in Summer semester (August conferral): Application due February 15 - if participating in the May Commencement ceremony; If not participating in May Commencement ceremony, application is due June 15

Degree completion in Fall semester (December conferral): Application due October 15; Undergraduates participating in the May Commencement ceremony prior to degree completion, application due February 15)

Late applicants may be charged a late fee.

Degree Conferral

Creighton awards/confers degrees on a common date in May, August, and December annually, regardless of the date of the Graduation/Commencement ceremony.

The respective Deans of the Schools and Colleges of the University have the responsibility for approving candidates for graduation.

Those applicants who do not complete all degree requirements or who are not approved must complete another application by the published deadline in order for a degree to be conferred at the end of the next semester.

Graduation/Commencement Ceremonies

Annual University Commencement ceremonies for all Colleges and Schools are held in May. The Graduate School holds a University Commencement ceremony in December for students who complete their degrees in Summer or Fall. 

The Graduate School students who complete their degrees in the Spring Semester are expected to be present at Commencement. Students who complete their degree programs in the Summer or Fall Semesters may attend Commencement in December following completion or the May prior to completion with permission of the Dean.

NOTE: A student may participate in only one Commencement ceremony for each degree granted.

Diplomas and Certificates

Creighton provides all graduates with a digital diploma or certificate (CeDiploma or CeCertificate) and a traditional paper diploma or certificate. Traditional diplomas or certificates will be mailed and digital diplomas or certificates will be sent to the graduate's Creighton email account after confirmation of completion of all requirements by the respective Dean and grade and degree processing by the Registrar.

CeCredential Trust® is Creighton's trusted partner providing lifetime secure, verifiable documents with digital signatures and encryption, enhancing trust and acceptance by employers, state government licensing agencies, etc. Additional information and Credential Validation is located on the Registrar's website.

Note: Diplomas are released only when all outstanding holds are cleared and the account is in good standing.

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors are based only on a student’s undergraduate work at Creighton. To be eligible for honors, the student must have completed at least half of the prescribed hours for the degree in the undergraduate college at Creighton. Honors are applicable to the baccalaureate degree only. The diploma of a student who qualifies for honors is inscribed as follows:

Summa cum laude—for a GPA of 3.850-4.000
Magna cum laude—for a GPA of 3.700-3.849
Cum laude—for a GPA of 3.500-3.699