Repeating Courses

An undergraduate student may not repeat a course for which a final grade of “C” or better (including “P” and “SA”) has been earned. This includes credit awarded through Advanced Placement Exams, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit.

A student who has received a final grade of “C-", "D” or “F” (including “NP” or “UN”) in a course may repeat the course. The course to be repeated must be repeated at Creighton. The student must register for this course like any other course. The credit and quality points for the highest grade earned (one grade only) will be used to calculate the student’s GPA. As with all other coursework attempted, the original course entry and grade remain on the student’s permanent record and will appear on any transcript issued. Similarly, courses with marks of “AU”, or “W” also remain permanently on the student’s record. If such a course is repeated, a new course entry and a grade are entered in the term in which the course is repeated. Also see the policy on auditing courses.