
Registration for continuing students is conducted in March/April for the Summer Sessions and the Fall Semester and in October/November for the Spring Semester. Students meet with advisors and receive specific appointment times for completing online registration.

By enrolling in Creighton University, a student agrees to comply with all rules, regulations, directives, and procedures of the University, and understands that his or her failure to do so will be grounds for dismissal or other disciplinary action at the University’s discretion. The University reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student who in its judgment is undesirable and whose continuation in the University is detrimental to himself, herself, fellow students, or the interests of the University, and such dismissal may be made without specific charge.

Registration Changes (Drop/Add)

Changes in registration may be made through the established drop and add deadlines for each term. In fall and spring semesters, the add deadline is the fifth business day of the semester (holidays and University closures excluded); the drop deadline is the tenth calendar day of the semester as long as the student remains full time (deadline is fifth business day of semester, same as the add deadline, if student is going below full time). During summer or other shortened terms, the drop and add deadline is prorated accordingly.