
Chair: Mark Reedy,
Associate Chair: Alistair Cullum,
Department Office: Hixson-Lied Science Building, Room 448

The Creighton Biology Department offers foundational and advanced courses across major subdisciplines of biology. Lecture and lab experiences are grounded in first principles. Modern facilities, faculty active in research and a commitment to mentoring students all contribute to a rich environment for developing a sound foundation in life science and opportunities to participate in original research.


Specific Requirements for Admission to the Biology Major

  • Completion of BIO 201 General Biology: Organismal and Population and BIO 202 General Biology: Cellular and Molecular with a grade of "C" or better in each, OR completion of one Biology lecture course at Creighton, 300-level or above, with a grade of "C" or better.

B.S., Major in Biology requirements: 33 credits

BIO 201
BIO 205
General Biology: Organismal and Population
and General Biology: Organismal and Population Laboratory
BIO 202
BIO 206
General Biology: Cellular and Molecular
and General Biology: Cellular and Molecular Laboratory
Upper Division Biology courses
Seven upper-division lecture courses in the major, which consists of 300-level and above BIO courses of three or more credits, except BIO 297, BIO 350, BIO 397, BIO 493, BIO 495 and BIO 497. These courses must include:
Five lecture courses at the 300- and/or 400-level, which must include at least one course from each of the following three areas:
Cell Structure and Function
Neurobiology of Disease
Developmental Biology
Animal Behavior
Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy
Developmental Biology
Foundations of Ecology & Evolution
Vertebrate Natural History
Conservation Biology
Terrestrial Ecology
Aquatic Ecology
One 500-level "focus" course
Applicable courses are:
Current Topics in Genetics
Genomes and Chromosomes
Current Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Ecology of Zoonotic Diseases
Current Topics in Plant Biology
Plant Diversity and Evolution
Environmental Physiology
Current Topics in Physiology
Current Topics in Neuroscience
Current Topics in Ecology
One additional course of the student's choice. This course can be any upper-division BIO lecture course (EXCEPT BIO 350) or one of a select group of offerings by other departments. Please check with the Biology department for a list of currently approved courses.
Four laboratory courses
This requirement may be satisfied by any combination of 4 credit lecture + laboratory or 1 or 2 credit laboratory-only courses. Lecture + laboratory courses may apply simultaneously to both the lecture and laboratory requirements.
The following courses apply toward this requirement:
Lecture/Laboratory courses
Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy
Developmental Biology
Terrestrial Ecology
Genomes and Chromosomes
Plant Diversity and Evolution
Laboratory-only courses
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Structure and Function Laboratory
Animal Behavior Laboratory
Vertebrate Natural History Laboratory
Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Physiology Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory
Neurobiology Laboratory
Freshwater Ecology Laboratory
In addition, one of the following may be used as the equivalent of a laboratory course: BIO 490 may be counted as one lab course if taken twice. BIO 497 may be counted as one lab course if: 1. At least six credits of 497 are taken over multiple semesters. 2. The research work is presented by the student at a regional or national scientific meeting 3. The research work is also presented by the student as a poster at the Department of Biology Research Colloquium.

BIO 297 Directed Research, BIO 350 Fundamentals of MicrobiologyBIO 397 Directed Independent Research (Extramural), BIO 492 Seminar in Undergraduate Classroom Instruction, BIO 493 Directed Independent Readings, and BIO 495 Directed Independent Study do not apply toward the major requirements. BIO 497 Directed Independent Research may be counted as one lab course as noted above. BIO 490 Seminar In Undergraduate Laboratory Instruction can be applied toward the lab requirement if taken twice.

Courses in departments other than Biology (such as CHM 371 Biochemistry of Metabolism ) may be approved for non-laboratory biology major credit; a student may exercise this option for only one such course.

Required Supporting Courses for a Major in Biology

CHM 203General Chemistry I3
CHM 204General Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 205General Chemistry II3
or CHM 285 Advanced General Chemistry II
CHM 206General Chemistry II Laboratory1
or CHM 286 Chemical and Statistical Analysis Laboratory
CHM 321Organic Chemistry I3
CHM 322Organic Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 323Organic Chemistry II3
CHM 324Organic Chemistry II Laboratory1
PHY 201General Physics for the Life Sciences3
PHY 202General Physics for the Life Sciences II3
PHY 205General Physics Laboratory I1
PHY 206General Physics Laboratory II1

Minor in Biology

The Biology minor introduces students to foundational and advanced courses across the major subdisciplines of modern biology. Lecture and lab experiences are grounded on fundamental principles. In addition to the General Biology courses, a diversity of life science topics are available in upper division courses at the cellular and molecular, organismal, and ecological and evolutionary biology levels. Students can design a study plan which allows an in-depth exploration of one area or a broader survey of several subdisciplinary areas of biology.

Biology Minor requirements: 18 credits*

BIO 202
BIO 206
General Biology: Cellular and Molecular
and General Biology: Cellular and Molecular Laboratory
BIO 201
BIO 205
General Biology: Organismal and Population
and General Biology: Organismal and Population Laboratory
Ten additional credit in BIO courses numbered 300 and above. 110
Must include one lecture + laboratory or laboratory-only course.
Total Credits18

Courses in departments other than Biology may NOT be applied toward this minor. Additionally, BIO 311, BIO 425, BIO 297, BIO 397, BIO 490, BIO 492, BIO 493, BIO 495 and BIO 497 do NOT apply toward this minor.


Kingfisher concentration requirements are 9 credits total, chosen from the list of courses in the associated minor. Unless otherwise specified.

Teacher Certification

Students who plan to teach Biology in secondary schools should consult with the Education Department, the Biology Department, and the appropriate agency in the state in which they intend to teach.


Professors: Theodore E. Burk, Carol Fassbinder-Orth, Annemarie Shibata

Professor Emeritus: John F. Schalles

Associate Professors: Charles Brockhouse, Soochin Cho, Alistair Cullum, Gwendalyn D. King, Mark Reedy, John Francis Shea S.J., Mackenzie L. Taylor, Mary Ann Vinton

Assistant Professors: Ann Cavanaugh, Joseph Phillips

Assistant Professor Emeritus: Charles Austerberry

Instructor: Hollie Siebler

Resident Assistant Professor: Marie Adomako

Adjunct Assistant Professor: Angela Rivera