African Studies

African Studies is an interdisciplinary program drawing from faculty in the departments of History, English, Psychology, Cultural and Social Studies, Political Science, and Theology. It provides students with factual and theoretical material necessary to understand the multifaceted challenges facing contemporary Africa. Courses approach Africa from humanistic, ethnographic, historical, and policy-oriented perspectives. The program also sponsors films, social events, and visiting lectures to shed further light on Africa and the African diaspora in the 21st century.

Drawing on the expertise of a broad range of faculty, the cross-disciplinary African Studies Minor includes a range of courses in History, Anthropology, Political Science, English, Theology, and Psychology. Students will develop in-depth knowledge of African history, Africa's diverse peoples and cultures, and the political, economic and social challenges Africa faces in the 21st century. Students will learn the necessary analytic skills to make critical assessments about the complexity of African reality that goes beyond common media stereotypes.

Minor in African Studies requirements: 18 credits*

Choose any six of the following courses:18
Introduction To African Literature
AFS/HIS 277Global Perspectives on Medicine in Africa and the African Diaspora3
Global Health: A Biosocial and Justice-Oriented Approach
Origins of Modern Africa
AFS/PLS 311Politics of Africa3
The Rwanda Genocide as a Challenge for the Church
Demography: World Population Issues
Women and Gender in Africa
AFS/THL 309Ultimate Questions: African Theology3
AFS/ENG 398Literature of Francophone Africa3
Encountering Africa: Experiencing our Shared Humanity
ANT 178Global Citizenship3
Egyptian Art And Archaeology
Globalization and Leadership in Africa
The Making of Modern Egypt
PSY 367Contemporary Trends in Psychology1-3
Ecclesiology in Global Context
Global Poverty and Development
Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology
Seminar in African Studies
Directed Independent Readings
Directed Independent Research
Total Credits34-36

Kingfisher Concentration requirements: Choose any 9 credits from list above.