
B.A., History Major Requirements: 33 Credits

Choose one of the following courses from Global Perspectives in History:
AFS 277Global Perspectives on Medicine in Africa and the African Diaspora3
AMS 275The Twentieth Century as "The American Century3
CNE 280Sport and Athletics in the Ancient Mediterranean3
CNE 281Ancient Greece3
CNE 282Ancient Rome3
HIS 271Conquest, Piracy, and Slavery: A History of the Atlantic3
HIS 272Global Perspectives in History: Europe and the World3
HIS 273Global Perspectives in History: History of Science and Medicine3
HIS 274Global Perspectives in History: Rights and Revolutions3
HIS 275The Twentieth Century as "The American Century3
HIS 276Global Perspectives in History: Asia and the World3
HIS 277Medicine in Africa and the African Diaspora3
HIS 278Islam and the World3
HIS 279Medieval Encounters3
HIS 280Sport and Athletics in the Ancient Mediterranean3
HIS 281Europe's Hubris and Humiliation3
HIS 282Reacting to the Past3
HIS 284Global Perspectives in History: The US in the World3
HIS 285The Stuff of History: Materials That Have Shaped Our World3
HIS 287Global Perspectives in History: The Native American Experience3
HIS 324Global Perspectives in History: The Irish Experience3
ILS 310Global Perspectives: Food in World History3
MUS 300Music History I: Antiquity through Baroque3
U.S. History
HIS 311United States History To 18773
HIS 490Advanced Research Methods3
Upper-level HIS Electives 121
Select 21 credits of HIS at the 300-level or above. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors to select an appropriately diverse chronological, regional, and thematic range of courses.

International Relations Specialization

Students pursuing the specialization in International Relations take 15 of their 21 elective credits from the following list.

Select fifteen credits from the following:15
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Struggle For The Holy Land
Mexico And The Mexican Revolution
The United States And Latin America
Origins of Modern Africa
United States Military History
Selected Topics
20th Century Europe
History of Southeast Asia
Modern China
Modern Japan
The Making of Modern Egypt
Nationalist Movements in Colonial Africa
Southern Africa: The Politics of Race
Directed Independent Readings
Directed Independent Research
Modern Germany
Postwar Europe
Russia's Revolutions
The Rise and Fall of Europe's Empires
Foreign Relations Of The United States, 1898-1945
Foreign Relations of the United States Since 1945
The United States and Canada
Change And Revolution In The Middle East
Cuba Under Castro
Special Problems in History 1
Upper-level HIS electives6
Total Credits21