Criminal Justice Minor

Minor in Criminal Justice Requirements: 18 Credits*

The Criminal Justice minor introduces students to the history, current structure, and processes of the American criminal justice system, including its principal components, the ethical issues surrounding each of those components, and the research that evaluates the impact of the system. It provides an introduction to the perspectives of other social systems and cultures, as well as the contemporary competing models of what a criminal justice system ought to be, both domestic and cross-cultural.

All of the following Criminal Justice courses:
SOC 320Theories of Crime and Deviance3
CRJ 201Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
CRJ 323Crime, Victimization and Public Health3
CRJ 423Law and Society3
Select six credits from the following:6
From the Grave: Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology
Self-Care for the Helping Professions
Research Design for the Social Sciences
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Qualitative Methods, Ethnography, and Engagement
Criminal Justice Administration and Ethics
Applied Research: Assessment and Evaluation
Victim Advocacy Policy and Practice
Death Investigation: Forensic Anthropology Methods
Race and Justice
Forensic Anthropology Field School
Family Dynamics
Trauma Care for the Whole Person
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Law, Courts, and Politics
Constitutional Law
Introduction to Sociology: Self and Society
Social Science and Social Problems
Social and Cultural Theory
The Urban Social System
Power and Society: Political Sociology in Action
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Gender in American Society
Social Inequality and Stratification
Structural Injustice: Engaging Constructively with Demographic Change
Addictions: Substances, Processes and People
Total Credits18

Kingfisher concentration requirements are 9 credits total, chosen from the list of courses in the associated minor. Unless otherwise specified.