Political Science: Legal Studies Track

Specific Requirements for Admission to the Political Science Major

  • The following are prerequisites for other political science courses for a department major.
American Government And Politics
Political Science Research Methods 1

B.A., Political Science: Legal Studies track requirements: 40 Credits

Required PLS Major Courses
PLS 105Introduction to World Politics3
PLS 121American Government And Politics3
PLS 215Political Science Research Methods 13
PLS 310Political Science Research Methods 24
PLS 591Senior Research Seminar In Political Science 13
Legal Studies Track Courses
PLS 320Law, Courts, and Politics3
PLS 337Constitutional Law3
PLS 390Philosophy of Law3
Students will select 6 credits from the following:6
Select six credits in either American Government/Politics or Public Policy/Law subfield.
American Government and Politics
American Tribal Indian Government and Politics
American Presidency
Campaigns and Elections
Congress And The Legislative Process
State and Local Government
Urban Politics
Mass Media In American Politics
Gender and Politics
Seminar On American Government And Politics
Public Opinion, Political Behavior And Survey Research
Race In America: Idea And Reality
Advanced Research Practicum
Public Policy, Theory, and Law
Introduction to Public Policy
Public and Non-Profit Administration
Environmental Politics And Policy
Public Policy and Healthcare
Federal Indian Policy and Law
Rights, Liberties, and Justice
Public Policy And Poverty In The United States
Constitutional Issues
Alternative Political Futures
Classics of Political Thought
International Law
Democratic Theory
Public Policy Analysis
Global Poverty and Development
Politics And Ethics Of Science And Technology
Advanced Research Practicum
Legal Studies Electives6
Introductory Microeconomics
Introductory Macroeconomics
Law of Mass Communication
Law for Business Leaders
Advanced Law for Business Leaders
Constitutional Issues
Psychology and the Law
Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
Law and Society
Upper-Divison Electives3
Three credits in either International Relations or Comparative Politics subfield.
Comparative Politics
European Political Systems
British Government and Politics
Politics of Russia
Politics of Africa
Canadian Government and Politics
Politics of the Middle East
The Politics of Japan
Politics of Asia
Government and Politics of People's Republic of China
Latin American Government And Politics
InterAmerican Politics
Politics Of The Developing Areas
The European Union
Theories of Comparative Politics
Ethnicity, Nationalism and Democracy
Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements
The New Institutionalism
Seminar On Comparative Politics
Global Poverty and Development
Advanced Research Practicum
International Relations
Gender and Politics
International Politics
Issues And Challenges In American Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy And Diplomacy Of Major Powers
Bombs and Rockets: National Security Policy
International Political Economy
International Regimes
International Law
Global Poverty and Development
Seminar on International Relations
Advanced Research Practicum
Total Credits40

This course is offered only in the fall semester, and may not be taken on an independent study or transfer basis.

Students in this major are strongly encouraged to take PLS 483 Public Affairs Internship.