Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice major will help students gain an understanding of crime and victimization, as well as the American criminal justice system. Students will think critically about the causes and consequences of crime and violence and about the criminal justice system itself. This major will give special emphasis on how the criminal justice system interacts with victims of crime and members of disadvantaged communities, noting the effects from both an individual and social perspective. Students will learn that studying crime, victimization and the system through which they are processed is a critical component to improving society.

B.S., Major in Criminal Justice requirements (37 credits)

Each of the following are required:
CRJ/SOC 201Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
CRJ/HAP/SOC 312Research Design for the Social Sciences3
CRJ/SOC/ANT 314Statistics for the Social Sciences4
CRJ/SOC 320Theories of Crime and Deviance3
CRJ/SOC 323Crime, Victimization and Public Health3
CRJ/ANT/SOC 341Race and Justice3
CRJ/SOC 423Law and Society3
CRJ 499Senior Capstone: Applying the Social Sciences3
Electives - 12 credits total
Legal (3 credits)3
Criminal Justice Administration and Ethics
Law, Courts, and Politics
Congress And The Legislative Process
Constitutional Law
Psychology and the Law
Clinical/Advocacy (6 credits)6
Self-Care for the Helping Professions
Victim Advocacy Policy and Practice
Family Dynamics
Trauma Care for the Whole Person
Land More Than a Job: Justice, Career, and Vocational Discernment
Forensic Psychology
Drugs and Behavior
Addictions: Substances, Processes and People
Research (3 credits)3
From the Grave: Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology
Qualitative Methods, Ethnography, and Engagement
Applied Research: Assessment and Evaluation
Death Investigation: Forensic Anthropology Methods
Forensic Anthropology Field School
Making Maps that Matter: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Total Credits37