Health Administration and Policy Minor

The minor in Health Administration and Policy is a program of interdisciplinary education structured to help students understand administration and policy issues as they relate to healthcare institutions. The minor is helpful to students who seek to understand the healthcare system either for personal use or as an adjunct to a career in one of the healthcare professions.

HAP minor (for all but BSN students) requirements: 18 Credits*

HAP 200Introduction To Healthcare Administration3
ANT 111Introduction to Anthropology: Human and Cultural Diversity3
or ANT 113 Introduction to Anthropology: Social and Cultural Determinants of Health
or SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology: Self and Society
HAP/PLS 334Public Policy And Health Care3
Select three courses from HAP major courses.9
Total Credits18

HAP minor (for BSN Students Only) requirements: 18 Credits

Each of the following is required:
HAP 200Introduction To Healthcare Administration3
ANT 111Introduction to Anthropology: Human and Cultural Diversity3
or ANT 113 Introduction to Anthropology: Social and Cultural Determinants of Health
or SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology: Self and Society
NUR 200Statistical Reasoning3
NUR 439Population-Based Health Concepts II3
NUR 476Applied Nursing Ethics3
Select one of the following courses:3
Essentials of Epidemiology
Information Systems in Healthcare Management
Service Excellence and Human Resources in Healthcare
Seminar in Healthcare Management
Family Communication About Health and Well-Being
Health Communication
Communicating Health Narratives
Organizational Behavior
Or any course from HAP major courses.
Total Credits18

NOTE:  Students with a non-HAP major(s) may minor in HAP as long as they take at least two courses listed above that are not part of their major(s).


Kingfisher concentration requirements are 9 credits total, chosen from the list of courses in the associated minor. Unless otherwise specified.