Global Health Equity Minor

The Global Health Equity (GHE) minor introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of Global Health and to innovative approaches that recognize the central importance of ethnographic methodologies and social theories to better understand the local contours of global disease patterns and consider health equity and social justice as foundational in Global Health.

Global Health Equity Minor requirements (18 credits):

Foundations in Global Health
Each of the following courses required:
ANT 113Introduction to Anthropology: Social and Cultural Determinants of Health3
ANT 301Social and Cultural Theory3
ANT 316Qualitative Methods, Ethnography, and Engagement3
ANT 317Global Health: A Biosocial and Justice-Oriented Approach3
Moral Reasoning3
Three credits from the following courses:
Seminar In Health Administration
Healthcare Ethics: Public Health, Administration, and Clinical Care
Controversies in Science and Medicine (1900-1990)
Moral Philosophy
Philosophy Of The Human Sciences
Environmental Ethics
Bioethics and Society
Sciences, Ethics & Society
Health Care, Society, And Values
Public Health Ethics
Biomedical Ethics: Philosophical and Theological Approaches
Social Justice in Selected Global Faith Traditions
Introduction to Liberation Theology
Seminar in Christian Anthropology
Catholic Social Teaching
Gender, Race and Morality
Sociocultural Context3
Three credits from the following courses:
Nutritional Anthropology: Introduction to Foodways and Food Studies
Global Citizenship
Encountering Africa: Experiencing our Shared Humanity
Medical Anthropology
Demography: World Population Issues
Native American Cultures and Health
Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
Cultural Epidemiology: Global Perspectives
Social Inequality and Stratification
Public Health and Social Justice in Haiti
What's for Dinner, Honey?: Food, Culture, Gender, and Health
Violent Environments and Sustainability
Food, Society, and Environment
Definitions of Health-Implications for Care: Austria, Hungary and the United States
Communicating Health Narratives
Dominican Republic in Context
The Essentials of Public Health
Essentials of Epidemiology
Public Policy And Health Care
Global Perspectives in History: History of Science and Medicine
Total Credits18