
B.A., Major in Music

Program Director: Frederick Hanna, DMA

Through study in Music, the student will develop musically sensitive performance skills as well as theoretical, historical, and cultural understanding which will enhance his or her performance.

Special Requirement for Admission to the Major in Music

  • Audition before the full-time music faculty after the first semester of applied lessons, scheduled through the Music Program Director.

B.A., Major in Music Requirements (45 Credits)

Music Core (required for all tracks):
MUS 100Music Theory I2
MUS 101Music Theory II2
MUS 221Ear Training And Sight Singing I1
MUS 222Ear Training And Sight Singing II1
MUS 400Music History II: Classical through Present3
MUS 498Senior Recital1
Keyboard Skills *4
Beginning Class Piano
Applied Music I-Piano
Applied Music II-Piano
MUS 137-MUS 461 Applied Music I-IV8
Select a Track from below to complete the degree:23
General, Performance or Jazz
Total Credits45

These credits may be waived if competency is established by examination.

Choose One of the three tracks below:

General Track Requirements (23 Credits)

MUS 200Music Theory III2
MUS 300Music History I: Antiquity through Baroque3
MUS 321Ear Training And Sight Singing III1
Ensemble (Band, Orchestra or Choir)8
University Chorus I
University Chorus II
Chamber Choir
Symphonic Band I
Symphonic Band II
University Orchestra I
University Orchestra II
Vocal Skills*3
Voice Class
Applied Music I-Voice
Applied Music II-Voice
MUS 415Conducting3
Select 3 additional MUS credits3
Total Credits23

These credits may be waived if competency is established by examination.

Performance Track Requirements (23 Credits)

MUS 200Music Theory III2
MUS 300Music History I: Antiquity through Baroque3
MUS 321Ear Training And Sight Singing III1
MUS 398Junior Recital1
Ensemble (Band, Orchestra or Choir)8
University Chorus I
University Chorus II
Chamber Choir
Symphonic Band I
Symphonic Band II
University Orchestra I
University Orchestra II
Select 5 credits from the following:5
English and Latin Diction for Singers and Performers
Italian Diction for Singers and Performers
German and French Diction for Singers and Performers
Select 3 additional MUS credits3
Total Credits23

The Performance Track is available to pianists and vocalists only.

Jazz Track Requirements (23 credits)+

MUS 201Jazz Theory2
MUS 208Jazz Ensemble I (repeat 3 times)3
MUS 308Jazz Ensemble II (repeat 5 times)5
MUS 310Jazz Improvisation I1
MUS 311Jazz Improvisation II1
MUS 322Jazz Ear-Training & Sight-Singing1
MUS 353Jazz in American Culture3
MUS 369American Popular Music3
MUS 410Jazz Composition & Arranging I2
MUS 411Jazz Composition & Arranging II2
Total Credits23

The Jazz Track is not available to vocalists.